Homoeopathy Consultant Job in Railway Land Development Authority
Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA) is a Statutory Authority, under the Ministry of Railways, set-up by an Amendment in the Railways Act, 1989, for development of vacant Railway Land for commercial use for the purpose of generating revenue by non-tariff measures. The Authority is governed by Central Government rules and presently has the sanctioned strength of 104 Government employees.
RLDA is considering to engage the eligible candidates for the following posts
No. Of Post: 1 (One Post)
Salary: Honorarium of Rs 10000/- per month (4 hours per day and 3 days per week). The monthly subsidy on the medicine will be Rs 4000 only.
1. The Homeopathic (Consultant) should possess atleast a Diploma of not less than four years duration plus five years experience after acquiring the four-year-Diploma/Degree course in the Homeopathic system of medicines.
2. The Contract of the Consultants, engaged for 4 hour (3 days per week) will be valid for one year only and can be extended further subject to the satisfactory performances of the Consultants.
Age: Below 65 years.
Selection: A panel amongst the eligible & willing Homeopathic (Consultant) will be drawn on the basis of walk-in-interview
Date and Time of Walk-in Interview: 15-04-2015 at 11.00 hrs
Venue of Walk-in Interview:
Near Safdarjung Railway Station,
Moti Bagh-I,
New Delhi - 110021.
The interested person must bring their completely filled bio-data along-with requisite self attested copies of certificates and original documents, like education qualification, service particulars, date of birth, date of retirement, present occupation etc. on the date of interview.
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