SRF Vacancy in Dilli Homoeopathic Anusandhan Parishad
are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of Two posts of Senior Research
Fellow (Homoeopathy) for the project “To Evaluate the efficacy of Homeopathic interventions
in management of pre-hypertension” to be undertaken by Dilli Homoeopathic Anusandhan
Parishad in collaboration with Homoeopathic Institutions of Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
- B.H.M.S. or equivalent qualification recognized by Central Council of Homoeopathy.
- P.G. in Homoeopathy recognized by CCH.
- Research experience in any Govt. Organization or reputed institute.
- Knowledge in computer application
Age: The
maximum age limit of applicant shall not exceed 35 as on the date of
Pay : Rs.
20,000 + HRA per month
Duration of
post : Initially for one year extendable as per need
selection will be made on the basis of written examination followed by
interview of the selected candidates. The date of written examination will be
informed to all the applicants later on through e-mail and website
application in the prescribed Proforma must reach the
Office of Member
Secretary (Dilli Homoeopathic Anusandhan Parishad),
Homoeopathic Wing, (Dte. of
CSC-III, B-Block, Preet Vihar,
on or before 30.12.2014 along
with the following:-
- One recent passport size photograph duly attested by Gazzeted Officer and pasted on the application form.
- Attested copies of certificates and testimonials in support of age, category, educational qualifications, experience, etc.
- Two self addressed envelopes of size 23 x 10 cms. The envelope containing application should be super-scripted “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW (HOMOEOPATHY)”.
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