Homoeopathy sector will support 'Healthy India' drive - Naik
19th edition of the 'All India Homoeopathic Conference' has been organized in Ahmedabad, with an aim to discuss the scientific research in homoeopathy, suggest up-gradation of homoeopathic education, promote homoeopathy in public health, and to utilise homoeopathic medicines for malnutrition & other such problems.
The conference is organized by Gujarat State Branch, and hosted by Ahmedabad Unit in technical collaboration with the Central Council of Homoeopathy(CCH),
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy(CCRH) and Liga Medicourm Homoeopathica Internationalis, (Indian Chapter).
The 2 day congress was inaugurated by the chief minister of Gujarat along with union minister for health, (AYUSH).
The conference is held on 27th & 28th December 2014 at Tagore Hall, Paldi, Ahmedabad.
Union Minister for Health, while delivering his valedictory address at the 19th edition of the 'All India Homoeopathic Conference' the minister said there are 191 Homoeopathic colleges in the country that are able to provide education to students across the world.
"Homoeopathy sector will give its able support to fulfil prime minister Narendra Modi's mission of 'Clean India and Healthy India'. Today, 85 countries across the world provide homoeopathic treatment and India is leading them," said Naik, who holds independent charge of department of 'AYUSH.
"There are exemplary facilities in health sector in our country. The Union government is also committed to give modern healthcare facilities to those coming from the lower strata of society," Naik said.
Gujarat Chief Minister Anandi Patel said, "Homoeopathic treatment is on par with Ayurvedic medicines".
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