UPPSC Ayurveda Faculty Recruitment Notification
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission invites online application for recruitment to the following teaching faculty posts
1. Lecturer (1 Post - Agad Tantra Avam Vidhi)
- Pay Scale: Rs.15600 - 39100/- GP Rs.5400/-
- Qualification: BAMS, Knowledge in Hindi, English and Sanskrit
- Age: Minimum 25 years, maximum 40 years
2. Lecturer (3 Posts - Kaumarya Bhritya)
- Pay Scale: Rs.8000 - 275 - 13500/-
- Qualification: BAMS, Knowledge in Hindi, English and Sanskrit
- Age: Minimum 25 years, maximum 40 years
3. Reader (1 Post - Prasuti Avam Stri Rog)
- Pay Scale: Rs.15600 - 39100/- GP Rs.6600/-
- Qualification: BAMS, Knowledge in Hindi, English and Sanskrit
- Age: Minimum 28 years, maximum 45 years
Online Application may be filled from 16-05-2014
Last Date for receipt of application fee in the bank: 13-06-2014
Closing Date for receipt of Application: 17-06-2014
Website: http://www.uppsc.up.nic.in
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