World Homoeopathy Awareness Week - 10th to 16th April, 2014
In celebration of all those who have healed with
Homeopathy, homeopaths and supporters share education and accessibility of
homeopathy around the world, beginning on Dr. Samuel Hahnemann's 259th Birthday.
- Send out an email to your mailing list informing everyone about WHAW.
- First contact the WHAO representative in your region/country to find out what events are already in place, which health stores need homeopaths to be available and which events need homeopaths to give lectures.
- Contact health shops, pharmacies, libraries, etc and be available to give lectures, answer
- questions, treat acutes and educate staff.
- List your WHAW events/schedule on the website.
- Contact homeopharmaceutical companies/homeopathic bookstores for donations of samples, remedy kits or books for WHAW (drawings, hand- outs, medicines for clinics for the poor, etc).
- Promote homeopathy through newspaper interviews and articles.
- Organize radio or TV spots to promote WHAW.
- The WHAW website will list events in your region and opportunities for you to be involved. (To give talks, answer questions, participate in free clinics, share your experiences, hand out homeopathic awareness balloons, etc).
- Organize musical concerts/stage concerts/skits/plays, etc with a homeopathic theme.
- Organize with your local library/community centre/school, etc to set up a display on homeopathy.
- Host Open Houses and free or discounted clinics at your office, clinic or school
- Contact the editor of a local newspaper of magazine to interview you for an article on
- homeopathy to be published during WHAW.
- Write an article on homeopathy for your local newspaper.
- Host an event in your area.
- Contact a health shop, pharmacy, library, school or clinic in your area. Let them know that you would like to host an event (give lectures, answer questions, treat acutes, educate staff, etc.) For optimum attendance, please plan your event at least 3 months in advance.
- You may contact a WHAW representative in your region if you need assistance.
- List your event(s) on the WHAO website.
- Wear green awareness ribbons during WHAW
- Hand out WHAW stickers, balloons and WHAW posters.
- Contact other homeopaths in your area and organize free clinics
Through more awareness and access to homeopathy resulting in profoundly improved health, the paradigm in the understanding of healing and healthcare can truly shift.
More Details>>>
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