Hata Yoga Teachers Training Program - 2014
Isha Institute of Inner Sciences, Coimbatore, organizes 21–week program from July12th to December 6th 2014 is an unparalleled opportunity to be trained in
Classical Hata Yoga, derived from a yogic tradition which has been
maintained in its full sanctity and vibrancy for thousands of years.
Teachers will be trained in Upa Yoga, Angamardhana, Surya Kriya, Yogasanas, Bhuta Shuddhi, Mantra Yoga, Nada Yoga, Bhakthi Yoga, Pranayam.
Features of the Program: Teachers will be equipped to conduct 1-day, 3-day, 5-day, 1-week,
2-week, 1-month and ongoing yoga sessions, which amount to over 48
unique modules such as for General Wellbeing, Corporate, Children,
Health Conditions, Weight Reduction, Rehabilitation, Pregnancy and more.
Other features of the program include Anatomy/Physiology, Yogic Physiology, Important of Diet, Science of Siddha Medicine, Visits to Sacred Places, Post-Training Support.
Venue: Adiyogi Alayam, Isha Yoga Center,
Velliangiri Mountains, Coimbatore, Tamil
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