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  • Breaking News

    GDMO Ayurveda Vacancy in Andaman and Nicobar

    Office of the District Health Society, North and Middle Andaman District, Mayabunder, invites application from eligible candidates for the walk-in interview for the following post

    Name of the Post: GDMO (Ayurveda)

    No. of Post: One

    1. A Degree in Ayurveda from a recognized university or equivalent
    2. Enrollment in Central Register of Indian Medicine or State Register of Indian Medicine
    Salary: Rs.40,000 /-

    Date of Interview: 19-03-2014 from 10.00am onwards

    Registration: 19-03-2014 from 9.00 am to 10.00 am

    Venue: Office of the Deputy Commissioner, North and Middle Andaman

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