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    Collaboration Among Medical Systems Stressed in 23rd All India Homoeopathic Congress

    Hyderabad: 23rd All India Homoeopathic Congress is held at IICT, Hyderabad on 23-02-2014. Former Union minister D.Purandeswari was speaking at the inauguration of the 23rd All India Homoeopathic Congress at IICT here on Sunday.

    Addressing homoeo physicians at the Congress, Purandeswari said collaboration among all medical systems helps address the medical problems of people.

    Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy etc should not be seen as independent from each other. Time is ripe to think strongly how different medical systems can be brought together and supplement each other. I think this way we can serve a large number of people,” she said.

    The physicians who spoke at the meet demanded more funds for the homoeopathy department and appointment of full-time homoeo advisors at AYUSH. They also pointed out that educational standards in homoeopathy medical colleges need to be improved.

    Commissioner of AYUSH said though he has been insisting on strengthening research at AYUSH colleges, it is not up to the mark due to lack of resources. Research units are confined to routine data collection, he said.

    Ramjee Singh, President, Central Council of Homoeopathy, R.K.Manchanda, Director General, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy and others attended the Homoeopathic Congress.

    Source: The New Indian Express

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