36th All India Siddha Medical Practitioners Conference - Vadalur
36th All India Siddha Medical Practitioners Conference is Organized at Vadalur, Tamil Nadu, India.
Venue: Lakshmi Chandran Trust Complex, Vadalur
Date: 16th January, (Thursday) 2014
Time: 08.00am to 05.00pm
Highlights of the Conference:
- Exhibition of Rare Medicinal Plants
- Herbal Food Festival
- Cultural Programme by Siddha Medical College Students
Fees: Doctors - Rs.700, Students -Rs.500. DD in favour of "ALL INDIA SIDDHA MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS CONFERENCE" payable at Chidambaram and send it to
Dr.Senthil Kumar,
General Secretary,
All India Siddha Medical Practitioner Conference,
717, Chidambaram Main Road, Keerapalayam - 608602
Phone: 9965698241
E-mail: aimsconference13@gmail.com
Research Papers and Articles from Students and Doctors are invited
All the participants will be given the Participation Certificate, Souvenir and Momento.
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