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    Homoeopathy Books

    Dear Students and Doctors,
            Download and use these Homoeopathy books for your personal use as such without any modification. But please give the authors the credit they deserve and do not change the author's name.
    1. Haehl Manuscript of Organon der Heilkunst
    2. A Compend of Principles of Homoeopathy - As Taught by Hahnemann, William Boericke
    3. A System of Surgery, William Tod Helmuth
    4. Allen's Keynotes
    5. Allen's Keynotes, II Edition
    6. A Guide to Practice of Homoeopathy
    7. Allopathy and Homoeopathy Before the Judgement of Common Sense, F.Hiller, MD.,
    8. Boericke Materia Medica
    9. Homoeopathy in Practice, Borland's D.M.
    10. Care, Feeding and Homoeopathic Treatment of Children, William Boericke
    11. Characteristic Materia Medica, W.H.Burt
    12. Chronic Diseases, Hahnemann
    13. Clinical Materia Medica, Farrington
    14. Clinical Repertory, J.H.Clarke
    15. Clinical Therapeutics, Temple S.Hoyne
    16. Condensed Materia Medica, Hering
    17. Delicate Backward and Puny Children, J.Compton Burnett
    18. Diseases of Infants and Children, Duncan
    19. Diseases of Skin, J.Compton Burnette, II Edition
    20. Encyclopedia of Homeopathy, Dr.Andrew Lockie
    21. First Lessons in Symptomatology of Leading Homoeopathic Remedies by H.R.Arndt, M.D.
    22. Guide to Homoeopathic Practice, I.D.Johnson 
    23. Hahnemann as Medical Philosopher, Richard Hughes
    24. Headache and its Materia Medica, Underwood 
    25. History of Homoeopathy, Its Origin, Its Conflicts, Wilhelm Ameke, MD.,
    26. Homoeopathy (English Rendering of Lectures delivered on MTA International by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad)
    27. Homoeopathy Beyond Flat Earth Medicine, (An Essential Guide to Homoeopathic Patient by Timothy R.Dooley.N.D., M.D.)
    28. Homoeopathic Domestic Practice, Egbert Guernsey
    29. Homoeopathic Pharmacopeia of India
    30. Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Rheumatism and Kindered Diseases, D.C.Perkins
    31. Homoeopathy - Its Tenets and Tendencies, III Edition
    32. Homoeopathy - Its Tenets and Tendencies, James Y Simpson, American Edition
    33. Homoeopathy, The Science of Therapeutics, Carroll Dunham 
    34. How to Use Repertory, Bidwell
    35. Lecturers on Diseases of Heart, Edwin Hale
    36. Manual of Pharmacodynamics, Richard Hughes
    37. Manual of Homoeopathic Theory and Practice, Arthur Lutze, MD
    38. Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, F.J.Petersen  
    39. Materia Medica, Kent
    40. Medical Essays, Oliver Wendall Holmes
    41. Medical Therapeutics for Daily Reference, R.F.Rabe
    42. Modern Medicine and Homoeopathy, Roberts
    43. New, Old and Forgotten Remedies, Anshutz
    44. Non Surgical Treatment of Diseases of Glands and Bones, J.H.Clarke 
    45. Ophidians - Pathological, Toxicological Facts, S.B.Higgins
    46. Organon of Medicine, 4th Edition
    47. Organon, Art of Healing, 5th Edition, Hahnemann
    48. Plain Talks on Avoided Subjects, Henry N.Guernsey
    49. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Boericke 
    50. ROH Book Series III (Sehgal's)
    51. Small Pox and Its Prevention, Thomas Nichol
    52. Special Pathology with Therapeutics,  Raue 
    53. The Truth About Homoeopathy, By Dr.WM.H.Holcombe
    54.  Therapeutic By-Ways, By Dr.E.P.Anshutz
    55. Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schuessler's, William Boericke, 3Edition
    56. Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schuessler's, William Boericke, 5th Edition
    Veterinary Homoeopathy Books
    1. Manual of Veterinary Specific Homoeopathy, 3rd Edition, F.Humphreys
    2. Manual of Veterinary Specific Homoeopathy, 6th Edition, F.Humphreys 
    3. Veterinary Homoeopathy and Its Application in Horse, John Sutchiffe Hurndall


    1. i need books on veterinary homeopathy and general homeopathy doses and drug guide for use of preparations if you can give some... and this is a great effort sir... keep it up.. thanks..

    2. please, upload All "ROH book series" As "MS word " files

    3. pls ,upload more rare books of homoeopathy

    4. plz plz plz ,..................upload homoeopathic books of Catherine R. Coulter......1)Homoeopathic Sketches of Children's Types..........2)Portraits of Homeopathic Medicines: Psychophysical Analyses of Selected Constitutional Types (All Volume)

    5. please upload malayalam homeopothic books

    6. Can you please upload Dr AK Tandon and MD balaji book. Unable to find it anywhere in stores as well. Thank you


    8. Illustrated Guide to the Homeopathic Treatment BOOK PLEASE UPLOAD

    9. Please upload books 'Diseases and their homeopathic treatment' and 'fundamentals of homeopathy' by prof. satyavrat siddhantalankar in hindi version.


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